This fictional world leans into a dark, gritty, neo-noir, setting itself in a very grim decrepit district called H3-DES (or Rogue Territory as the punks call it) is where we start off the first chapter, and it is a murky city that runs itself on drugs and crime lords, slowly driving itself to the ground. There’s rumblings of a revolution thats developing in the underbellies, murmurs of a code word “INITIATIVE” sparks a glimmer of hope that there may be a chance of tackling the corruption that's taken ahold of the city.

As all of the city is running quick with decay, so does it’s inhabitants, in which applies to Each of the punks whom are all individuals who display an aspect of depression, all in a way lost at their current stage of life due to the corrupt district they inhabit, each going through a specific battle. Each of their internal turmoil reflects a certain kind of depression an individual may go through: Uncontent with the Calm, Inner-Child, Jaded, Escapism, and a desire for change. They all realize that their lives are unrecognizable to what once was, this shouldn’t be the way things are, so a call to arms is initiated and they decide enough is enough, it’s time to reclaim their lives and fight the infection that’s been tainting their city.



//While much is still unknown about this mysterious fellow, some say he was a former member of the no longer existing Kintsugi Clan, high ranking and perhaps a celebrated swordsmith in the former peacekeeper group of the city, and some say he’s just a small bar blues musician. He’s a brawler build, agile, and has a nasty swing with that golden baseball bat. During a personality evaluation, results indicate he’s a soft spoken individual, a man of few words but effective when spoken, appears to have respectable and stoic attributes to him, and can possibly have the makings of taking charge of a group. While most signs appear good, some noteworthy observations were that he seemed to be at times visually uncomfortable, hints of hiding some distraught, and it may not be from the evaluation and interview but from possible internal factors. Will continue to observe and diagnose performance for the cause, but for now it seems like he can “manage” to hold his own, place him as the lead in the next field operation.//



//Another powerful intellectual for this group, ______ ________ proves to be a very useful through her knowledge and ability to gain access to much intel on the gang members and the rotten parasites who hide in the city’s political picture. She has a wide knowledge for a range of things, tech-wiz, fast-learner, ability to devise quick and efficient plans that help our cause, she’s good. Through the initial interview, she displayed an energetic and delighted attitude to wanting to fight the corruption, and really being an embodiment of the kind of rebellion spirit we need for our group. As all things appear all great and an essential part of the group, history of “escapism” is brought forth into question and the potential risks for her and the group, she needs to learn to find acceptance with reality and not run from it. Observe and monitor individual, in the mean time place her with __ _ to spearhead the next operation.//



//The streets call him the “Imp of H4-DES District for his history of being openly against the political figures of the city, and his unwavering confidence to do whatever he please. .__ _   has a pretty impressive hacker background, big pyrotechnic, a quality of resourcefulness to make do with any given resource, and his unbound creativity. He’s a jack of all trades, he’s bombastic, he’s unpredictable, but can he work with the team? He’s a youthful energy to have for our group, but I worry about __ _ ‘s performance as these tasks pile up, and start to take a toll on him, considering his youthfulness he wants to hold on to that, but will this mission change him, will he still be willing after a couple of missions and being shown more and more the ugly sides to the present moment of the city? Put him under ______ _ ‘s supervision on the next field operation, regulate and guide __ _ his chaos.//



//A mercenary for hire, a talented swordsmen who only runs his services for the a high-pricing gig. He often roams the streets at night around __   ______       and  __   ________ , and often hangs around the ramen shop. He’s been requested on a couple of the early operations and has proven to be useful, but all of the run-throughs indicate that he seems to be a deeply mistrusting person who may have doubts or worries about the mission. He always asks for a bigger payday after each of the missions, and we can supply him the payment, but we have to watch ourselves with him too. He’s a hardened individual, a guy whos been through some shit, and is a shell of person who he might of have been at one point, but could also have ulterior motives . Watch and observe ______ _ , put him together with __ _  and see how those two play off of each other on the next operation.//



//The final member of this first group is __ _   , having grown up with little to nothing she managed to turn things around for herself and live constantly in motion.  __ _  is an agile scout for the cause, always spying on what the city council is doing, excavating new recruitment INITIATION spots across the city, and thwarting the ___ gang’s plan. She’s a beacon of hope, and the definition of a desire for change, she’s a grounded and down to earth, an empath who’s able to approach situations and people through a level of understanding, she represents us at our best, striving to make a lasting and impactful change for the city, and always striving to become a better person from the previous day.//